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Non-profit and Beneficial

AIDS-Hilfe Steiermark is a non-profit and beneficial association. Our goal is to reduce the number of new HIV-infections by providing counselling and testing, as well as prevention and information. Further, we grant essential psycho-social attendance and asstistance to HIV-positive people or people who suffer from AIDS, in order to enable them to live with their infection self-determined and freely, and without social exclusion as long as possible.

Association Committee

The association committee, which supports management and team in the background, is elected every two years by the general assembly.

Chairman: OA Dr. Andreas Kapper

Chairman proxy: Ass.Dr. Christina Genger-Hackl

Cashier: Ass.Dr. Elmar Wallner

Secretary: Univ.Prof. Dr. Harald Kessler

Accountant: OA Dr. Bernhard Haas, Robert Rothschädl



AIDS-Hilfe Steiermark is funded by the federal government, province of Styria and city of Graz. However, we are depented upon further sponsors and donators, whom we sincerely like to thank for their support.

Help us to help!