With your help we can achieve a lot.
Support the work of AIDS-Hilfe Steiermark!
Be part of our paramount goal: A future without AIDS.
With your help we can accomplish much!
IBAN : AT47 6000 0000 9201 1856
Donation deductibility regulations
If you want to deduct your donation from tax, you need to submit your full name and date of birth to us before the end of the respective year. These data are transmitted by us to the tax office and kept for the duration of the period for the voluntary employee assessment.
via PayPal
Online Donation
Simply donate using PayPal by pressing the button on the right side.
Your donation will be processed online and forwarded to us, simple and secure.
Remember: If you want to deduct your donation from tax, you need to submit your full name and date of birth to us.
Payment form
You can complete a neutral payment form in each branch bank.
IBAN AT47 6000 0000 9201 1856, BIC: BAWAATWW, issued to AIDS-Hilfe Steiermark.
Remember: If you want to deduct your donation from tax, you need to submit your full name and date of birth to us.
You can deduct your donation from tax
We are beneficiary donors according to § 4a Z. 3 and 4 EStG.
Registration number: SO 1372
cf. BM für Finanzen
IBAN AT47 6000 0000 9201 1856
issued to: AIDS-Hilfe Steiermark
Thank you for your donation!
Please note: Since January 1st 2017, new regulations concerning tax deductibility of donations apply. As a donor, you will no longer be able to claim your donations as special expenses. Instead, the donated beneficiary organizations must collect the necessary data and forward it to the tax authorities. If you want to deduct your donation from tax, you need to submit your full name and date of birth to us before the end of the respective year.
FAQs for donors on the new donation deductibility scheme: