HIV positive: What now?

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You may have only recently received this diagnosis ...

Perhaps you have been confronted with the HIV-positive findings in our AIDS-Hilfe service center, or you have to deal with an incidental findings in the course of a stay in hospital or the like. After the first shock of “not wanting to admit,” it is natural for fears and questions to arise; great emotional and social burdens are likely to come up to you. You want to learn to handle it and are looking for someone who can help you? In this case, you can contact the care team of AIDS-Hilfe Steiermark.

Important for you to know is: HIV is now a very treatable, chronic infection. With medical treatment, a normal life expectancy is possible.

We are pleased to advise and accompany you on your way:

Information about Care at AIDS-Hilfe Steiermark arrow icon

Important steps for the initial period after your diagnosis:

  • Carefully decide who you tell about your infection! Take your time.
  • You are not obligated to inform your working place, medical personnel, AMS, public authorities, educational institutions etc. about your HIV-infection.
  • Protect yourself and your partners and use a condom!
  • Make an appointment for medical treatment at LKH Graz Süd-West, Standort West, Infektiologische Spezialambulanz U11:
    Tel. +43 / (0)316 / 5466 6023
    Göstingerstraße 22, 8020 Graz

Further reading: Downloads

Pamphlet "HIV kompakt: Fakten, Hintergründe und Hilfestellungen (HIV heute)"

Further topics about living with HIV:

Support for People with HIV

We support people who live with HIV in coping with their challenges and provide answers to any questions about HIV that may arise.


HIV can not be cured. However, by means of the effective and well-tolerated therapy a normal life expectancy is possible. Information about HIV therapy can be found here.

HIV and the Law

Important questions about the legal protection of HIV-positive people, whom to report an HIV status - and whom not.

Stories of HIV-positive people

How are those who are affected doing? We collected stories of HIV-positive people, and published them in a magazin and as audio stories.