Nowadays HIV is a well treatable chronic infection/illness.
Under certain conditions, it is possible and very likely to have an average life expectancy.
We are happy to support you on your path!
We assure anonymous and confidential support, free of charge and voluntary. We will help you to plan the first important steps and provide advice on psycho-social, medical, as well as legal questions. We also accompany you to the HIV check-ups as needed. Relief talks, also with relatives, play a very important part in the individual support of HIV-positive people.

Important tips for the beginning:
- Consider carefully who you tell about your infection! Take your time.
- Your are not obligated to inform your employer, medical personnel, AMS, public authorities, educational institutions etc. about your HIV-infection.
- Protect yourself and your partners by using a condom!
Good medical care is crucial!
In Styria, the LKH Graz Süd-West, Standort West is responsible. For information and appointment contact Infectiological Special Clinic U11:
Tel. 0316 / 5466 6023
Göstingerstraße 22, 8020 Graz
We gladly establish contact with the special clinic and accompany you as needed.
A well-effective treatment for HIV exists. Taking the medication regularly provides the basis to plan for a future without major constraints.
Concerning all questions in connection with HIV:
Contact us!
We assure anonymous and confidential support, free of charge and voluntarily. We also provide support in English.
Contact our social workers via phone (0316/815050) or e-mail (
Julia Hansl, MA
Kerstin Hübler, MA
How are those affected?
We collected and published stories by HIV-positive people. Read them in our magazine or listen to the audio recordings: